

Military spouse Melissa Helmick is no stranger to multiple moves – and she’s learned that keeping a binder is the best way for her to stay organized with all the records she might need for enrolling at a new school.

“I have a ‘tab’ on a clear sleeve for each subject I want to keep handy and with me during the moving process. In this age of technology, we tend to think everything will be online, however I find my comfort level is heightened and stress level reduced knowing I have the copies or originals at my fingertips!
“How does this translate to transitioning your children to a new school?  It simply keeps important papers all in one place so I can easily access them when signing my children into their new school(s), or signing them up for sports or camps and/or programs.  I noticed that enrollment procedures for familiar on-Post services can vary from Post to Post (although that may be changing) so having everything with me at once aids in taking the guesswork out of what papers to bring and not running back home to get another piece of paper…which I have done!
"Note: I do keep a binder page or two of business cards. For instance, a card for where I purchased special sports equipment for certain sports the children were in.  Other business cards I might keep in the binder are those relating to school uniforms, music instrument teachers, etc.  I usually keep them even after we move, in case we move back to the same Post.  I do take cell phone pictures of those business cards I think I will use most often so they are handy but still keep the hard copy in my binder. Welcome to your new home and school(s)!!!”

Melissa has found a system that works for her - and has provided lots of helpful information. Our transition guide also recommends having at least an unofficial copy of your child’s school records as well as report cards. While the receiving school district will make the request for the transfer of your child’s official records, unofficial copies will give you some material to work with when discussing your child’s placements in the new school. Don’t forget a copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunization records!