credit: Courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action.
For older students, especially high school students, it can be very helpful to compile contact information for teachers and coaches at the previous school who might be future references for your child.
Military Families for High Standards Chairwoman Christi Ham recommends collecting contact information for the Guidance Office and the school's administrative staff as it can be critical in resolving curriculum and course options at the new site. Additionally, having contact information on hand for athletic coaches, extra-curricular involvements, mentorship partners and school leadership positions, before relocating will make it easier for your student to contact their former school site for clarification of their past involvements for their new school of enrollment.
Christi explains:
“Many questions can be answered, and many situations can be clarified because the appropriate school official can speak on their behalf. Knowing who can support you as you work to place your child in new classes, programs, sports, clubs and organizations in this next assignment can make the transition productive rather than frustrating.”