AP Testing Amid Pandemic Deserves Attention and Reflection

By: Christi Ham

Last month, reminders were given by our team at MFHS to make a special effort to evaluate the results from this year's AP Testing. Realizing that it was an experience like no other, amid a pandemic, with changes made to the testing format, timing, and ability to utilize notes and materials to formulate a response to a challenging essay question, the additional demands on military-connected students stationed overseas were highlighted. On top of all the demands of this year's testing experience, these students had to take the exam during timeslots that matched their stateside peers -- which meant they tested during the late hours of the night or early hours of a new day.

Those scores have now been supplied to each examinee. The results have been calculated and students are now aware of whether they scored high enough to earn possible college credit and influence their transcript for college applications.

It is imperative that we look at these scores to determine the impact of this testing experience on the outcomes. The pandemic itself could certainly have altered performance. As could have the revised format, the short time-period students had to determine their response or the struggles with technology to submit their efforts. But these challenges were experienced by all who took the AP exams. The requirement to perform at the height of abilities during a timeslot normally reserved for sleep was experienced only by those students in international settings, which includes our military-connected students overseas. While the College Board responded to requests to make their adjustment for security reasons as fair as possible for these students, it remains a fact that this nighttime testing could affect results.


If you are an educator for these students, a parent whose child tested this year, or a student who persevered over all the many hurdles to take the exam(s), take careful note of the cumulative results. We should all examine these results to be certain they indicate data that highlights fairness and accomplishment.

Additionally, every student who rose to this challenge should internalize a deep sense of accomplishment -- personally and intellectually -- for having risen to the occasion. You not only demonstrated your academic acumen on broad topics of educational intrigue and importance, but you also demonstrated inner abilities of strength that allowed you to attack this situation successfully. Both areas valuable to you as any AP results.

The rigors of AP testing preparation will be even more important this coming school year --- and more difficult to provide. The educational character this year's students brought forward will be as important to learn from as the material the tests focus on and measure. We must take the time to evaluate their performance for their own satisfactory understanding of what the results capture and to be certain we base the 2021 testing process on the strongest methodology for quality AP testing.