’Tis the month of December
’Tis the month of December and all through the land,
Folks are bundled and snuggled, hot coco in hand.
Families gather together, from both near and far–
Reunited after journeys by plane, train, and car.
Military children are moving — mid-year works out well
For service families to travel to new spots to fill.
Moms and dads pack up students and get them set
To begin a new school year and a New Year yet!
We hope they find settings that meet all their needs
And Districts that support them with lots of good deeds.
Away from old friends and habits of yore
These little ones move on to new homes, schools and more –
To new friendships and challenges, new classes and times,
New teachers, new lunchrooms, new bus stops but no whines.
They carry on like troopers, accepting all that they find.
And end up in classrooms that must stimulate their minds.
And then in a twinkling they hear via the ‘Net
That they’re headed to somewhere that’s not a sure bet –
Not a sure bet for great Math, Science or Debate.
Not a sure bet for Drama, or athletics that are great.
But they turn to the promise of a group set to improve
The destiny of these folks every time that they move.
They look for assessments that direct their school choices
And for settings that listen to the needs in their voices.
They reach for high standards that military families deserve,
For all that they sacrifice in order to serve.
So all efforts to guide them, direct them and provide
Answers to questions and solutions that hide –
All energy and talent put in place to support
Their futures, their vocations, their careers we report
Are working to give them all that they need
To become citizens of tomorrow and planting the seed
For greatness and success in all that they do –
And it’s only because of great folks like you.
So thank you for making this year so profound
By joining Military Families for High Standards as we go around
To highlight and push, speak out and extol
These military children and our Nation as a whole.
Hear us exclaim as ’18 rolls out of sight –
Happy Holidays and thanks for helping us get so much right.
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This piece was originally published on December 20, 2018 on Medium. The original post is accessible here.